Ald Velothi Harbor House
Amaya Lake Lodge
Antiquarian's Alpine Gallery
Bastion Sanguinaris
Ebonheart Chateau
Enchanted Snow Globe Home
Flaming Nix Deluxe Garret
Grymharth's Woe
Hakkvild's High Hall
Hunter's Glade
Lakemire Xanmeer Manor
Old Mistveil Manor
Proudspire Manor
Quondam Indorilia
Saint Delyn Penthouse
Snowmelt Suite
Stay-Moist Mansion
Stillwaters Retreat
Tel Galen Tower
The Ample Domicile
The Ebony Flask Inn Room
The OrbservatoryPrior
Velothi Reverie

This page's thumbnails are courtesy of ESO Fashion They have more information about every house and more.